About Medispar
Medispar c.v.b.a. is a leading European provider of innovative medical devices in the field of Minimally Invasive and Endoluminal Surgery, focusing on Urology, Gynaecology, Colorectal and Proctological Surgery, and Obesity Surgery (Conservative, Endoluminal and Laparoscopic treatments). Dedicated to providing excellence in Customer Service, we thrive to the expectation and become a close partner our customers. In our growth, we are actively seeking out new partnerships which are complementary to our business fields.
Our Mission
To become a leader in providing innovative and reliable medical solutions to help in the treatment of patients, and foster breakthrough technologies to optimize physicians’ skills. To achieve this, we want to offer the best products with the highest value for money, respecting its employees, its partners, its customers and the environment.
Our Vision
To position Medispar as the leading provider of innovation in all fields of Minimally Invasive and Endoluminal Surgery in the Benelux and European markets.
We achieve this through a continued investment in all current product portfolios, excellence in customer service, and through actively seeking out new partnerships which are complementary to our business fields. We conduct our business in a manner which ensures stable and sustainable growth for our company and partners.
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